Why I Spill My Guts On The Internet (but that doesn't mean you should)
With Anna KunneckeAnna Kunnecke helps smart, deep, soulful women get fierce enough to live in the real world and transform it with their courage, spirit, and leadership. More than 3,000 women have used her Queen Sweep program to wrestle beauty from their physical worlds, and she helps bighearted kindred spirits become EFBAs, aka epic fucking badasses. She’s the author of Practical Magic for Secret Mystics and The Bliss Conspiracy, and just might be the only life coach in the world who doesn’t believe in the Law of Attraction. Anna has five kids, she’s a queer feminist, she’s the founder of The Birth Story Project, and she retains her right to cry at every diaper commercial ever made. Her secret agenda– that's really not a secret at all– is a global takeover by the wise women. You can find more about Anna's work, including free resources, at her website DeclareDominion.com