The Universe is Speaking, Are You Listening?
With Cathlene KlippertCathlene is a certified Mind, Body, Spirit Practitioner and her passion is to help others navigate through life using intuition, creativity and self-discovery.
It is through her own journey of self discovery that she realized embracing and loving all aspects of yourself is the key to living a fulfilling and loving life which has led her to helping others reconnect with their true self and live the life of their dreams.
Cathlene is also the author of a children’s book I AM Worthy! and it’s companion card deck, New Embraceable YOU! Affirmation Healing Cards which cover the power of affirmations. Her most recent card deck, My First Animal Energy Cards, guides you on how to develop your or your child’s intuition while working with animal energy. Cathlene also teaches various workshops on intuition and self-discovery.