Just a reminder the promo period is May 1st through May 14th. You have agreed to send one solo email, a newsletter blurb and to social media. The summit starts May 15th!
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SUBJECTS (options):
- Access your soul's calling
- Tap into your purpose with this great group of experts!
- Are you making a difference with your higher purpose?
Dear NAME,
This week is the launch of the amazing series my friend and colleague, Devorah Spilman, has created! It's called: The InStory Path To Purpose Project: Find Your Purpose. Tell Your Story. Make a Difference.
I wanted to invite you to this as it has made a huge difference in people's lives as this is the 2nd year she has done it! This series is more of a “do” than a “listen”. The goal of this Project is for you to tap into your purpose, articulate your story, and make a difference. It will have a live, interactive Facebook group where you will be able to join me, Devorah and the other experts to ask questions, share insights and get feedback.
30 + wild, wise and wacky women have gathered to share their stories, and give you tools you can begin using immediately to access your soul’s guidance about your calling in this life…. And much more!
Here's that link again where you can sign up to join us for free! (use tracking link here!)
(your signature)
P.S. If you know you have a higher purpose, but it is stuck or unclear, join me on this complimentary video interview series: The InStory Path to Purpose Project (use tracking link here!)!
Swipe copy for Solo Email
SUBJECTS (options):
- Ready for something different?
- Do you feel you have a higher purpose?
- Do you know you need to tell your story?
Dear NAME,
I am so excited to share with you that I’ll be a part of what my friend and colleague, Devorah Spilman, has created! It's called: The InStory Path To Purpose Project: Find Your Purpose. Tell Your Story. Make a Difference.
It is both a free video series and a project that is more of a “do” than a “listen”. The goal of this Project is for you to tap into your purpose, articulate your story, and make a difference. It will have a live, interactive Facebook group where you will be able to join me, Devorah and the other experts to ask questions, share insights and get feedback.
I’d like to invite you as my special guest. Please Click Here (use tracking link here!)
to get your free pass.
When you go to the link above and sign up for The InStory Path To Purpose Project video interview series, you'll hear from extraordinary visionary women who are teachers, thought leaders, authors, shamanic practitioners, coaches, artists, astrologers, enlightened entrepreneurs and more, including me!
You'll learn:
- New ways of finding and living your purpose with ease
- How to create prosperity through emotional healing
- How to unlock that light you’ve already got inside you
- How to go from procrastination to creative genius
- How to hear and trust your inner voice
Practices you can begin using immediately to access your soul’s guidance about your calling in this life…. And much more!
Devorah is the perfect person to host this summit. She has been a storyteller for over 30 years and is now a soul story healer and coach and the leader and founder of The InStory Way
Devorah has created a way for anyone and everyone to be able to go deep to find their story and share it with the world in any form, from speaking to painting to writing. She tells everyone that she is “deep and a little wacky” and always passionate about the power of deep story and true purpose!
Here's that link again where you can sign up to join us for free! (use tracking link here!)
Here’s to the power of story, purpose and passion! We’ve got plenty of all three and can’t wait to share them with you!
(your signature)
P.S. If you know you have a higher purpose, but it is stuck or unclear, join me on this complimentary video interview series: The InStory Path to Purpose Project (use tracking link here!)!
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Please replace any text in red, and make sure you use the tracking links above in all of your promotion and link below.
I am so excited to be a part of what my friend and colleague, Devorah Spilman, has created! It's called: The InStory Path To Purpose Project: Find Your Purpose. Tell Your Story. Make a Difference. (use tracking link here!)
You'll hear from extraordinary visionary women who are teachers, thought leaders, authors, shamanic practitioners, coaches, artists, astrologers, enlightened entrepreneurs and more, including me! Together we will go over how to do the deep work that brings you in touch with a sense of your destiny… so you can truly find your purpose, tell your deep story and launch into the world a vision of your heart and soul!
Join me HERE (use tracking link here!) on this complimentary video interview series called The InStory Path to Purpose Project and we will help you find your purpose, tell your story, make a difference and have a blast doing it together!
Swipe copy for Social Media
- Do you feel you have a higher #purpose? Join the The InStory Path To Purpose Project now! (add tracking link here!)
- Are you committed to maing a difference? Now's your chance! (add tracking link here!)
- The goal of this project is for you to #findyourpurpose, #tellyourstory and #makeadifference! Now you just need to be there! (add tracking link here!)
- Join now to get powerful tools and support to bring your wackiness out into the world. (add tracking link here!)
- Learn from others what it means to step up a little before you feel ready with your courage in hand. #stepup #makeadifference (add tracking link here!)
- Discover your purpose and tell your story so you can find your unique path and make a powerful difference in this world. Join us here- (add tracking link here!)
- The intensity of these times is forcing each of us to go deep into the mystery of who we are and what we're here to do. Learn more here-(add tracking link here!)
- Get to the core of your unique calling! Join the The InStory Path To Purpose Project now! #purpose #calling (add tracking link here!)
Facebook/LinkedIn/Google Plus:
Do you feel you have a higher purpose? When you sign up for The InStory Path To Purpose Project you'll hear from extraordinary visionary women who are teachers, thought leaders, authors, shamanic practitioners, coaches, artists, astrologers, enlightened entrepreneurs and more, including me! We are passionate about helping you to go deep to discover your purpose and tell your story so you can find your unique path and make a powerful difference in this world. JOIN US HERE- – (add tracking link here!)
learn how to do the deep work that brings you in touch with a sense of your destiny… so you can truly find your purpose, tell your deep story and launch into the world a vision of your heart and soul! Click HERE to join us- (add tracking link here!)
Join me on this complimentary video interview series called The InStory Path to Purpose Project and we will help you find your purpose, tell your story, and make a difference together! JOIN US HERE- (add tracking link here!)
Graphics for Social Media
**Right click to open in new window and drag to desktop, or save to desktop. If you have any edits, or want to add an interview title please email tara@devorahspilman.com!