Shamanism and The Story - How Mythologies Weave Their Way Into Our Reality
With Abby WynneAbby Wynne is one of the world’s leading lights in the field of Shamanism, Psychotherapy and Energy Healing. She is based in Ireland and is a bestselling author for Hay House and Gill Books. Her new book “Heal your Inner Wounds” will be published by Llewellyn Worldwide in April 2019. Abby's powerful core teachings work towards empowering you to do your inner work with strength and courage, whilst creating a structure and foundation to guide you. Abby also offers you many ways to feel supported while you are on your path of healing and empowerment, including downloadable healing audio files, healing jewellery and one to one sessions. Connect with Abby at www.abby-wynne.com and allow her to guide you on your soulful journey of self-discovery.