Breakthrough To Your Highest Self
With Amanda Masters & Christine HadenAmanda Marie Masters has been featured as a spiritual expert on TV for her energy work, and is considered a leader in her field. Amanda's primary focus of interest is working with people to uncover what needs to shift in their lives and create a success strategy to make this happen. As a Mind Alchemist and Master Channeler, Amanda is an expert at clearing the subconscious patterns such as limiting beliefs, cyclical fear-based thoughts, scarcity mindset, and perceived blocks to reprogram your thoughts and alchemize Mind/Body/Spirit, so you may focus on what you want to bring into your life and take action.

I have always loved animals, and was beginning to connect with them in a deeper way than just belly rubs. Life intervened, and one divorce and a cancer diagnosis later, I am now getting back on track to help animals communicate with their human guardians.